Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today in the hospital, we got to see the X-Ray equipment- which was really cool. It was actually really nice compared to most of the hospital. The machine was in great order, and the room was very swanky. The technician taught us all about how it all worked, and showed us how to develop the films. Pretty cool! Though Anne Marie wasn't very impressed, as her dad is an orthopedic surgeon and she's pretty much grown up with them.

We then were introduced to Ali, a nice new volunteer from New Orleans and a nursing student. As we were giving her the whorl-wind tour of the hospital, we saw a woman being carted from Maternity to surgery for a C-section (a pretty common occurrence). Excitedly, we encouraged Ali to come in and watch, and through her reaction were reminded of the fact that though we've really gotten used to them, surgeries at the hospital are totally crazy.

Feeling a bit bad that we'd totally overwhelmed Ali, we came home for lunch and met Amy, yet another new volunteer! She's a respiratory therapist from California, which is very exciting because it means that the hospital is finally getting a qualified volunteer instead of just students! There was a bit of a mix up about whether or not she was here to teach English at a nearby village, but once all was cleared up she moved in and started getting excited for the hospital (where she's totally helped to save a few newborn lives with her mad resuscitation skillz).

We all went out to dinner that night and got to know one another at the wonderful Sol Cafe- one of our two delicious salvations from boring Ugandan food. Jinja tomorrow!

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