Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We headed out on Saturday morning to Sipi Falls with a few of our fellow volunteers and pretty much relived the weekend we had a couple of weekends before. We traveled by matatu to Mbale where we caught another one up to Sipi Falls. Happily, this time we didn't need to take a boda (motorcycle) up the mountain. I'm starting to appreciate that I really don't have very much of a thrill-seeking personality, but Connor does. I blame Dad's many hours in the trauma ward working on motorcycle crash victims and others, and then his dinner stories, through which I was convinced at a very young age that it's perfectly possible to be maimed or killed by doing stupid things. Happily, Connor doesn't do stupid things...but my tolerance is probably a bit lower than I would wish, and so there remains some small difference between his comfort with sky diving and motorcycle riding and such, and my desire to ride horses and rock climb. More on this in tomorrow's post, I'm sure.
Anyway! We made it to Sipi Falls and settled in at the Crow's Nest, a really rustic but comfortable group of cabins perched on some cliffs overlooking the falls. Our weekends have been more important to me than I could have guessed. At the more touristy places, kids are so much more accustomed to seeing white people that I can get away with waving and shouting "Hi!" to their calls of "Mzungu!!!"...walking anywhere in Iganga really does mean being tugged on and held onto by a number of four year olds and laughed at by the adults. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as some of the other volunteers, but it's enough that I'm kind of glad to get away for a day or two every week.

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