Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We went on another fantastic hike today, Sunday. We hired the same guide who took us last time, but Connor also wanted to abseil...

Digression: I have become so used to looking everything up on Wikipedia! None of us knew what abseiling was, and I actually assumed it must be spelled absailing- a quick search just now revealed that it's a German word. Anyway- it's just rappelling. we left him on top of the 100 meter waterfall and then hustled down to watch him rappel off of it. I had initially been pretty excited about doing this also, but when they showed me the point from which the rappelling actually takes place, I again confronted my aversion to risk-taking. Also, I've always been pretty afraid of heights, and 100 meters is high enough that when we were standing at the bottom, Connor was a tiny little speck. He admitted to a little apprehension as he leaned back over the edge of the cliff, but he was rewarded by a really spectacular view of this waterfall, only twenty feet or so away, as he descended. From the bottom at least, the scale of his tiny human body against the cliff and the waterfall was pretty spectacular.

Conversations with our friends Anna, Ali, and Amy were really the highlight of the weekend for me. I feel very lucky to have met such wonderful people when I've moved around over the last few years, and have spent a lot of time recently thinking about all the people I love who live scattered far and wide. So it's almost bittersweet to make such good friends and then lose them immediately to distance. I know that I'm not the best at keeping in touch with people, but I hope that everyone I've neglected over the last few years knows that I don't forget friends, and that I'm thankful for them.

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